Saturday, July 31, 2010

500 days

day 1
barely registered on my mind
you weren't the one i was looking for

day 34
fun moments, I'll give you that
but nothing breaks through the gates
surrounding another, and only that other 

day 68
fleeting thoughts run through my brain
not enough to make an impression
but certainly brought a smile to my face

day 127
suddenly you're everywhere, anywhere
the first and last one on my mind 
in the songs i hear and the pictures i see
wish i'd paid attention on the very first day

day 204
i try not to think about it
some days it works, most days it doesn't
no past, no future, just the present
days and a few more till life begins again 

not that i should count
but about 300 more days are on the pages
of this book of memories i keep 

1 comment:

alex said...

your blog is looking cool.